BDM by the hour provides professional sales support to help small businesses grow. We focus on quality communication for you and your customers and invest in relationships that are sustainable for long term sales growth, and not just for a quick win.

What brings you here?

I don’t know what I’m looking for…

Why BDM by the hour?

Small businesses engage BDM by the hour to represent their brand and BDM by the hour approach all interactions with genuine interest and care.

Expect a thorough yet quick implementation and quality yet affordable sales and account management solutions.

Our take on Sales…

We believe it’s important to let people decide when they’d like to stop and where; allowing them to dictate the speed. So when the time comes to take action and buy, it won’t feel forced but is instead a comfortable experience for them.

If someone’s already familiar with what you do, why you do it and understands the value they’ll get from choosing you over others, there is already a level of trust there and you actually make the choice to purchase from you easy for them.

The relationship shouldn’t start when the sale does, it forms well before when the person first comes into contact with you or your company. Make it count and invest in building a strong foundation for a long-term relationship together from the start.


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